Ready to evoke transformation. :)

Ready to evoke transformation. :)



A lot of people aren't exactly sure what a coach can do for them. Here are some key distinctions between coaching and other helping professions.




Coaches hold a unique perspective of their clients. Coaches believe you are naturally creative, resourceful and whole. You are completely capable of finding your own answers to challenges you face.

You are not a collection of issues to fix and problems to solve! You are a high-performing person who forms an alliance with your coach.

Coaches focus on you - helping you design a future with your specific goals and desires in mind. A coach is your champion when you doubt yourself and will keep you focused on your desired outcomes.

Coaches are action oriented and provide accountability and assignments for you. They help you to set goals and achieve results in less time. Coaches are expected to have contact with clients between sessions to share progress and celebrate wins.


Therapists, Consultants and Mentors

Therapists are highly trained to work with major mental illness and entrenched problems. They focus on healing and understanding. In some ways, therapists are focused more on the past, and the origins of negative self-beliefs. Their training allows them to design a treatment plan for their clients. Accountability is less commonly expected. Contact between sessions is for crisis or difficulties only.

Consultants are trained in a specific area or field to improve particular components in a business. They are focused on quantitative analysis, fixing and improving. They give advice and a roadmap for organizational change. Accountability is less commonly expected.

Mentors have expertise and experience in a particular field. They help those with less experience who are seeking guidance. A mentor shares life experience and knowledge, sometimes providing exposure and resources. Contact with mentors varies greatly and accountability is less commonly expected.




What You Can Expect From Me

I view my clients as more than just a list of tasks and goals. The person I work with is called a “human being” not "human doing". The roles one plays in life is only a small part of who they are. I view clients as a whole; mental, emotional, physical and spiritual beings - this whole view of life matters regardless of the area we are focusing on.  I hold the coaching relationship as a sacred, confidential space where there is no room for judgement or blame. I ask my clients to account for what they say they'll do without blame or judgement. I keep clients focused on their vision and commitments. I am deeply interested in helping my clients learn about what they want from life, learn about themselves, form new habits, make radical breakthroughs and take bold actions that will leave their lives forever changed.

I have extensive experience coaching people through major physical and mental transformations to reach their goals in fitness, strength training and martial arts. My personal experience as a black belt, strength athlete and competitive powerlifter provide me with a deep understanding of an athlete’s journey. As a seasoned small business owner, I can also provide elements of small business consulting/mentoring (best practices, setting up systems, employee training and development) to my clients if desired.


What I Expect From My Clients

I expect my clients to show up to the coaching with an open mind, ready to experience transformation and a deeply satisfying life. I ask my clients to trust the coaching process and be prepared to take bold action.

I ask that clients show up on time and prepared for coaching sessions. I will explain what being prepared means and we will design the specifics of what both people need within our coaching relationship during the Discovery Session. 

The decision to hire a coach is a big step in creating a life of purpose and satisfaction. It is a time to be courageous, have fun, and play with possibilities. I look forward to the possibility of serving you!

Contact me if you would like to get started on your journey.

My Values

  • Empathy - I am an Empath. I can easily see other people’s worldview. I help people understand one-another.

  • Growth - Learning, growing, and evolving are the spices of life. I enjoy the journey and the process more than the destination.

  • Time - Being mindful of precious time means a lot. I want to get the most out of this finite resource.

  • Mastery - It excites me to be a beginner, to apprentice, to make mistakes, and to learn from Masters.

  • Essential - I love simplicity. Let’s trim away what’s not needed and what remains should be useful, impactful and bring us joy.

My Strengths (from Clifton Strengths)

  • Individualization - People with the strength of Individualization are attentive to people's individual style, attitudes, and interests. They notice how others think or are motivated. People are unique and different. People are valuable.

  • Relator - People exceptionally talented in the Relator theme enjoy close relationships with others. They find deep satisfaction in working hard with friends to achieve a goal.

  • Ideation - People exceptionally talented in the Ideation theme are fascinated by ideas. They are able to find connections between seemingly disparate phenomena.

  • Adaptability - People exceptionally talented in the Adaptability theme prefer to go with the flow. They tend to be "now" people who take things as they come and discover the future one day at a time.

  • Intellection - A person with the strength of Intellection likes to think, they love intellectual activity. Typically they are introspective, and this thinking process is happening all up in their head. This person actually “needs” intellectual activity.